Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards

Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

This summer the University of Vienna has hosted an inspiring summer school on multi-hazard risk management, bringing science outreach and research closer together. In this post, Till Wenzel provides some insights about the importance of face-to-face meetings to bring together multiple perspectives and better understand multi-hazard risks.   The summer school has been organized by the Vienna I ...[Read More]

When ten years of research come to an end – The final Panta Rhei Symposium

When ten years of research come to an end – The final Panta Rhei Symposium

On the 10th and 11th of July 2023, the final symposium for the scientific decade, “Panta Rhei – Everything Flows: Change in Hydrology and Society” of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), took place at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam. During these two days, 150 hydrologists, engineers, social scientists and practitioners from 32 countries gather ...[Read More]

Is culture the missing link to disaster risk reduction?

The City of Kobe, Chuo Ward (photo credit: Asimina Voskaki)

Sophocles, a great tragic writer of Classical Athens, said that “success is dependent on effort”. When it comes to disaster risk reduction, are we doing enough to develop a culture of resilience and how do cultural factors affect people’s willingness to protect themselves and build an effective disaster reduction and reconstruction mechanism? In 1995 (17/01/1995), Kobe, Osaka (Ja ...[Read More]

“My teacher is a volcanologist”- Valeria Cigala tells us about her journey from academia to middle school teaching

“My teacher is a volcanologist”- Valeria Cigala tells us about her journey from academia to middle school teaching

Valeria Cigala (Ph.D.) is a geoscientist by education and an expert in explosive volcanism and related hazards. She has been the Early Career Scientists Representative for the Natural Hazards Division of EGU from 2019 to 2022 and Editor-in-chief of our blog. Valeria is currently employed as a maths and science teacher at the middle school level in Italy. In this inspiring interview, she is sharing ...[Read More]