Spatial and temporal changes in environmental conditions over billions of years have driven the evolution of diverse microbial, fungal and plant species that have shaped the ecosystems, atmosphere and climate of our Earth system. Understanding the function and resilience of organisms and our biomes in response to climatic change and their complex feedbacks requires knowledge of its component parts ...[Read More]
Hw to get involved in Science-to-Policy in the Biogeoscience Division
As scientists we possess invaluable expertise that can help shape evidence-informed policies, and decision-makers in the EU are increasingly recognising the importance of scientific input. The EGU can play a key role in this process, with its advice already being considered in major policy developments such as the Nature Restoration Law. As part of these efforts, the EGU Science-for-Policy Team (l ...[Read More]
Demystifying the EGU OSPP Poster Competition
The Abstract deadline for the 2025 General Assembly is approaching fast (January 15th!) and with it the deadline to sign up for the OSPP award. If you are an early career researcher who is interested in joining the contest, this is you! We talked with the coordinators, as well as some of last year’s winners to help you understand how to sign up, why to sign up and what to look out for ...[Read More]
Go to EGU by train!
We encourage you to travel to EGU by train! Here are 4 train journey stories from the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and France to inspire your trip. From the UK with Interrail (by Becky Varney) 🇬🇧 What was your motivation to take the train? As travelling to a primarily climate focused conference, I wanted to try and reduce my carbon footprint as best I could. I also think trains are a really nice wa ...[Read More]
Meet your BG team 2024/2025
The Biogeoscience division team has changed over the last year, and in this blog post, we are delighted to introduce our new team of representatives and describe their roles and research interests so that you can get to know them better. Our division is led by a President and Deputy President, supported by two Early Career Scientist Representatives and several sub-division officers who cover vario ...[Read More]
Five questions to our new Biogeoscience Early Career Scientist Representatives
There have been some changes in our division lately! The most important one is the election of our two new ECS Representatives: Elsa Abs and Sílvia Poblador! Sílvia and Elsa will be responsible for all things early career in the BG Division during the 2024 – 2026 term. We took the opportunity to ask them some questions about their scientific journeys and their plans for the upcoming year. W ...[Read More]
Getting to EGU ‘by fair means’
How to commute from Freising to Vienna by bike In the world of alpinism, the phrase “by fair means” is ubiquitous, though its definition is vague. Most people would agree that a key requirement of a “fair means ascent” is minimizing the tradeoff between convenience and reliance on external aids. If that sounds like it leaves a lot of room for interpretation, it’s beca ...[Read More]
Guest post: Pal(a)eoPERCS

June 2020, amidst a global COVID-19 pandemic where social distancing and isolation brought the world to a standstill, a grassroots seminar series (Pal(a)eoPERCS) was started with the aim to bolster scholarly engagement and create a convivial space through weekly virtual seminars for Early Career Researchers and Professionals (ECRs). Three years later, with June 2023 quickly approaching, Pal(a)eoP ...[Read More]
What’s new at EGU23?
EGU23 is back with longer talks, posters and PICO sessions! While EGU is always great to catch up with colleagues in classical sessions offered every year, here, we want to highlight some new sessions that will premier at EGU23. We have selected a few from each Subdivision to show the broad range of topics covered. General Biogeosciences The PICO session “It’s all about migration!” focuses on migr ...[Read More]
The sedaDNA scientific society, a collaborative network of international researchers working with sedimentary ancient DNA
Emergence of the field of molecular paleoecology Sequencing DNA of organisms that died a long time ago sounds like the synopsis of the movie Jurassic Park (1993). Let’s make it clear right now, dinosaur DNA has never been collected by humans. To date, the oldest DNA recovered is more than one million years old and comes from mammoths. In addition to the DNA recovered from fossils, aquatic and terr ...[Read More]