Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards

Earth Citizens and Natural Hazards: a few words from the perspective of our environment, the inhabited planet, Earth

Earth Citizens and Natural Hazards: a few words from the perspective of our environment, the inhabited planet, Earth

In January 2023, I visited the Amazon Forest in Suriname. During my visit, I met indigenous people known as the Saramaccers, a Maroon tribe residing in the heart of the Amazon Forest. I found it fascinating that the Saramaccers consider themselves an integral part of nature. Their motto is ‘If you respect nature, nature will be your friend and stand by you’. Nature extends a helping ha ...[Read More]

You can be the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the NH Division!

You can be the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the NH Division!

The Division on Natural Hazards of the European Geosciences Union is looking for a new Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative (rep) and co-representative (co-rep) for the period 2024-2026. The outgoing rep (Silvia De Angeli) and co-rep (Negar Vakilifard) will be standing down officially at the EGU General Assembly 2024, so this is your opportunity to take these roles!   Why become an Ear ...[Read More]

Training of Trainers to improve Geological Disasters Resilience in Malaysia

Training of Trainers to improve Geological Disasters Resilience in Malaysia

Over the years, we have witnessed a growing number of geological disasters due to climatic shifts. One such disaster is the landslide, and the main culprit of such occurrences can be attributed to intense rainfall coupled with high slope angles, especially in areas previously not expected to be susceptible. In this post we share a successful experience of ‘training of trainers’ in Mala ...[Read More]

Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

This summer the University of Vienna has hosted an inspiring summer school on multi-hazard risk management, bringing science outreach and research closer together. In this post, Till Wenzel provides some insights about the importance of face-to-face meetings to bring together multiple perspectives and better understand multi-hazard risks.   The summer school has been organized by the Vienna I ...[Read More]