Science communication is the practice of informing and inspiring the public about scientific knowledge. It comes in different forms, from documentaries, books, academic publishing, mass media journalism, to public talks. These days, digital communication, including blogging, vlogging, podcasting, and social media, has become an increasingly popular form of science communication, reaching a wide au ...[Read More]
Define and assess drought, the herculean challenge!

The frequency and intensity of drought periods have increased since the 1950s over most land areas [1]. In fact, between 1998 and 2017, drought was the sixth natural hazard associated with disasters (4.8% of the total number of disasters) but the second in terms of the total number of affected people (33% of the total number of affected people), causing more than 21,000 deaths [2]. For example, in ...[Read More]
Is it time to think about the EGU General Assembly 2022? Yes, it is!
The General Assembly (GA) 2022 will take place from 3 to 8 April 2022, and, as of now, it is thought to be hosted in a hybrid format with in-presence events in Vienna (Austria) and online events on an interactive platform. The conference is still so far away, why do you have to think about it now? Well, for once, the call for abstracts is open! So, it is time to review the provisional progr ...[Read More]
Building a risk-aware culture
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The future depends on what you do today”. In the past months, we have witnessed extreme weather events, wildfires, earthquakes, and volcanic activity in different parts of the world. Although this activity is ordinary for a living planet like Earth, it can disturb the modern way of living and put people at risk. Even for the events that can be predicted with a higher deg ...[Read More]