When you read about climate extremes, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Probably not airport systems. However, you might have been affected at least once by delays, longer flights, or even flight cancellations due to low visibility, strong winds, convective activity which can lead to thunderstorms. Especially, if you reside in or have flown to or from the United Kingdom, the Netherl ...[Read More]
How satellites measuring soil moisture provide a new understanding of rainfall patterns
Soil moisture and rainfall are the two fundamental variables in the water and energy cycle and their knowledge in many applications is crucial. For instance, for predicting the occurrence and the magnitude of flood and landslide events the knowledge of the initial soil moisture condition and of rainfall amount is mandatory. In the last decade, some authors have proposed a completely new approach, ...[Read More]
The Italian catalogue of earthquake-induced ground failures: saving the past for the future seismic hazard assessment #CEDIT

The Italian Catalogue of Earthquake-Induced Ground Failures (CEDIT) is a database available online since January 2013 that stores data about ground failures induced by strong earthquakes, which occurred on the Italian territory since 1000 AD up to now. CEDIT is freely available on a web-GIS portal (currently the access is granted using Firefox as a web browser, the upgrade to other browsers ...[Read More]
The multitasking skillbox of researchers, direct experiences from Early Career Scientists.
Science is “the study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them” (Collins online dictionary). In other words, science is tightly linked to gaining knowledge. However, this definition and many others never mention that to gain knowledge through science, a vast amount of experience must be acquired beforehand and put into practice every day ...[Read More]