

Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative (GD Division)

Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative (GD Division)

The Geodynamics Division (GD) is looking for an enthusiastic geodynamicist to take up the position of Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative for 2024-2026! Our current ECS representative, Megan Holdt, will be handing over this position at EGU24. This role is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in EGU, contribute to building the geodynamics community and create a welcoming environment for ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – The crit fail

The Sassy Scientist – The crit fail

While we are getting this close to unwrapping our advent calendars, here is a question that will keep us away from the first chocolate for a bit. Rowan asks: How do I tell my partner who is also in academia to talk less about work outside the office? Dear Rowan, Oh, this question hits home for many academics. Seriously, though. I don’t know the exact statistics but let me have a quick search…. Wel ...[Read More]

Modelling Magma Propagation in Three Dimensions – Or: How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love Simplicity

Modelling Magma Propagation in Three Dimensions – Or: How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love Simplicity

The crisis unfolding these days in Grindavík, Iceland reminds us of how important it is to forecast volcanic activity. Predicting the outcomes of volcanic unrest, or a magmatic intrusion making its way towards the surface, essentially amounts to three questions. Will there be an eruption? How much time before it starts? Where exactly will the eruption occur? Answering any of these questions is a d ...[Read More]

Slow Evolution of Europa’s Interior

Slow Evolution of Europa’s Interior

“Europa may be one of the most promising places in our solar system to find present-day environments suitable for some form of life beyond Earth.” This week in News & Views, Kevin Trinh, a PhD student at Arizona State University, discusses how his recent works on Jupiter’s moon Europa can enlighten us about the evolution of Europa’s interior. One of the most promising p ...[Read More]