The first year of a PhD can quickly shift from an exciting adventure (“Ok I got this“) to an exasperating rollercoaster (“What I am doing here? What if I just move to a husky farm in Canada?“). Marina, has reached that stage and, after having exhausted her patience scrolling through <insert your preferred social media platorm here> in search of threads on how to boost ...[Read More]
Creativity and geology
Phoebe Sleath, a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen, guides us through the intersection of art and geology. She shares how she got into watercolour field sketching, how it became a valuable companion during her PhD journey, and how it serves as a powerful tool for communicating science Why do you like doing geoscience? Throughout my undergrad degree, I would have said: because I like mounta ...[Read More]
Geekology #1: Matplotlib for geosciences, tips and tricks
This week inaugurates a new series of posts: Geekology, fusion of geek and geology. In this section, we will try to unravel tips and tricks of programming applied to geodynamics, from new innovative libraries to good programming practices, interviews with geologists who code and more! To kick off the series, this week’s article is written in collaboration with Baptiste Bordet, doctoral resea ...[Read More]
A journey to the centre of plate tectonics and mantle convection

“Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection,” is edited by Dr. João C. Duarte and published by Elsevier. The book brings together contributions from more than 40 renowned authors in the fields of geology, geodynamics, tectonics, petrology and geophysics. It offers the unique authors’ perspective on the interconnected processes of plate tectonics and mantle convection and their v ...[Read More]