Reflections on the geological and geodynamic evolution of the Southern Central Andes
Reflections on the geological and geodynamic evolution of the Southern Central Andes

Reflections on the geological and geodynamic evolution of the Southern Central Andes
We live in the very heart of the Digital Age, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already playing a dominant role in our world. We have to ask ourselves what the future will hold for the field of Geosciences in the next years to come? In this week’s blog, our main goal is to share our views regarding the benefits and risks of AI in Geosciences. We live in an ever-evolving world, where technolo ...[Read More]
The ability to easily compile and quickly evaluate both geological and geophysical data is essential for geodynamicists to understand Earth’s evolution. This week Dr. Ben Mather, a Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, introduces us to GPlately, a new tool designed to accelerate spatio-temporal data analysis in GPlates. GPlately is a Python package that enables the reconstruction of ...[Read More]
Outreach is becoming a more and more prominent part of the work of researchers. With public funding many of us are expected to show in a creative way what we do with our funding, but it is not easy to step out from the << I will post on social media>> comfort zone. This week Elvira Mulyukova, in collaboration with Cedric Thieulot, is showing us how to create something extraordinary fro ...[Read More]