Earth’s sister, Venus, is a planet whose evolution is drastically different from our own. Unravelling the hidden mysteries behind the divergent evolution of these two planets could hold the key to understanding what makes a planet habitable. Using numerical modelling, Diogo Lourenço and Cédric Gillmann unveil the dynamics of Venus while linking them to observations. In today’s blog pos ...[Read More]
Between the Volcano and the Deep Blue Sea: Tales from Montserrat (Part 2)
In 1995, the Caribbean Island of Montserrat was shaken by the beginning of one of the most significant volcanic eruptions in recent history: one that profoundly changed the natural, social and economical landscape of the country. Three decades later, Soufrière Hills Volcano and its legacy of destruction still shape the lives of Montserrat’s people. Last October, we took you on the first half of ou ...[Read More]
New Insights into Plume Buoyancy Fluxes and Dynamic Topography from Numerical Modelling
Figure 1. Illustration of the hotspot swell and plume buoyancy flux. White dashed line shows the original seafloor topography due to half-space cooling. Dark green line represents the surface dynamic topography caused by the dynamic uplift of the plume. One of the main surface expressions of dynamic topography are hotpot swells formed by mantle plumes. In this week’s post, Ziqi Ma, PhD candi ...[Read More]
Queer Quarterly: Allyship in the LGBTQIA+ community – what it is, how you can help
Queer Quarterly is the blog series of the EGU pride group, a LGBTQIA+ team of geoscientists engaged to uphold and improve the rights of the community in the EGU organization. This week’s post is dedicated to allyship: how people outside of the community can support our efforts. The term LGBTQIA+ is the abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual. The addition ...[Read More]