Natural Hazards

Early Career Scientists

#shareEGU20 afterthoughts about virtual conferencing

#shareEGU20 afterthoughts about virtual conferencing

It’s 2020 and a new coronavirus has spread all over the world-changing most if not all our habits. In a few weeks, we’ve seen adaptations to living in a world with this pandemic, from many points of view. Science reacted and adapted very quickly, sharing research and opening dialogues using online tools. Similarly, the EGU General Assembly that usually hosts every year around 15,000 people i ...[Read More]

EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, NhET activities

EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, NhET activities

We are currently living uncertain times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we hope that you and your relatives are healthy and safe.  As you may know by now, the physical EGU 2020 General Assembly was cancelled. To keep science in the front line, provide a discussion and sharing platform also at these times, it was replaced by the first interactive and digital EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online ev ...[Read More]

Vitor Silva: 2020 Natural Hazards division medallist story

Vitor Silva: 2020 Natural Hazards division medallist story

In today’s interview, we talk with Dr Vitor Silva, who was awarded the 2020 Natural Hazard Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award for his fundamental contributions to the research on earthquake risk assessment. Seismic risk is the probable building damage and the number of people that are expected to be hurt or killed if a likely earthquake on a particular fault occurs. Disaster risk ca ...[Read More]



Working on natural hazards brings you to places (physically and virtually) you might never have discovered otherwise. You look at the world while asking questions about places, situations, relationships, and interactions of the natural processes surrounding you, inspiring your scientific potential. The Natural hazard Early Career Scientists Team is interested in your natural hazard research and wo ...[Read More]