Dear readers, today our blog will host Ryan Stone from Lambda Films. He will tell us his story and perspective behind the camera while documenting people’s lives constantly exposed to volcanic risk. If you want to get a quick taste of today’s content, just take a long breath and watch this video: Hello Ryan, Please tel ...[Read More]
Combining geomorphology, geomorphometry and natural hazards research: the way forward

Minimum downslope vertical distance, following the flow path(s), to the riverbed. Knowing the water depth, this map can provide an idea of the potentially flooded area, northeaster US. © Giulia Sofia.
Today I have the honour to introduce a friend and a brilliant scientist that recently won the 2019 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists of the EGU, Dr Giulia Sofia. Dr Sofia is currently Assistant Research Professor at the University of Connecticut (USA) in the Hydrometeorology and Hydrologic Remote Sensing group. She received a B.S. and M.S. in Forestry Science, and PhD (201 ...[Read More]