Natural Hazards

Science communication

#vEGU21: Gather Online – Get ready for the Natural Hazards and ECS activities

#vEGU21: Gather Online – Get ready for the Natural Hazards and ECS activities

Have you heard the news? The next EGU’s General Assembly is starting on Monday, and this year it will last for two weeks!!! And yes, as you may have guessed, with the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to have a considerable impact on face-to-face scientific meetings throughout the world, EGU 2021 will be entirely virtual. And that’s not all. We will have the ability to interact with each ot ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards 101: The disaster cycle

Natural Hazards 101: The disaster cycle

With the Natural Hazards 101 series, we meant to bring our readers closer to the terminology often used in the field of natural hazards, but that may not be so familiar. We started defining the very concept of hazard and natural hazard. We moved then to the concept of risk, which brought us to define exposure and vulnerability.  In this episode, we will digest the disaster terminology provided by ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards 101: The concept of risk

Natural Hazards 101: The concept of risk

  In the first episode of the series of posts called Natural Hazards 101, we focused on the definition of hazard and natural hazard, considering the recent literature. In this episode, we wish to draw your attention to the concept of risk. Although a commonly used word, the term risk might mean different things to different people. What does risk represent, and what it means in the context of ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards 101 – What is a – natural – hazard?

Natural Hazards 101 – What is a – natural – hazard?

We often talk about different natural hazards, how researchers investigate them and solutions to mitigate their effects on society, infrastructures and the environment. However, we have never really stopped for a moment to define a hazard, a natural hazard and much of the terminology in the field that can sometimes be evasive and not so straightforward to understand. Thus, we start this series of ...[Read More]