Natural Hazards

Early Career Scientists

Floods in the Anthropocene: the good, the bad and the ugly

Floods in the Anthropocene: the good, the bad and the ugly

The interplay between human societies and floods dates back to Old World civilizations. Floodplains have provided the potential for prosperous agriculture and for the development of organised communities and urban cultures. Contextually, flood events have caused millions of fatalities and invaluable economic losses throughout history. Over the past decades, human activities have increasingly alter ...[Read More]

Collaboration in Science: A Necessity Not A Luxury

Collaboration in Science: A Necessity Not A Luxury

Collaboration in science is of paramount importance for the development of new ideas and tools that progress our common knowledge. However, you might have felt at times that, for example, the competition for funding or the inequality of access to resources have undermined collaboration opportunities. In this blog post, we host the reflections and actions of Dr Omar AlThuwaynee, who, after experien ...[Read More]

#vEGU21: Gather Online – what you need to know.

#vEGU21: Gather Online – what you need to know.

On November 2nd, EGU opened the call for abstracts and communicated that 2021 will see the General Assembly going again fully virtual. It seems a very considerate choice, giving that the COVID-19 pandemic still pervades our lives and makes impossible safe planning of events that include travelling and in-person contacts so far ahead in time. Let’s see what we have to know to get ready for it based ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards 101: The disaster cycle

Natural Hazards 101: The disaster cycle

With the Natural Hazards 101 series, we meant to bring our readers closer to the terminology often used in the field of natural hazards, but that may not be so familiar. We started defining the very concept of hazard and natural hazard. We moved then to the concept of risk, which brought us to define exposure and vulnerability.  In this episode, we will digest the disaster terminology provided by ...[Read More]