Earlier this year, the EGU Natural Hazards Division approved the addition of a new sub-division focused on the theme of ‘multi-hazards’. The Science Officers representing this sub-division, Joel Gill (British Geological Survey) and Marleen de Ruiter (IVM-VU Amsterdam), reflect on why this sub-division is necessary and how you can get involved. Many regions are affected by multiple natural hazards, ...[Read More]
Alpine rock instability events and mountain permafrost

Figure 1 – Deposits on the Porchabella Glacier where ice was found on top of a boulder. Ice was also present in the detachment zone of the rock slope failure, as observable in the upper left corner zoomed photo (from Phillips et al., 2017[13])
Rockfalls, rock slides and rock avalanches in high mountains The terms rockfall, rock avalanche and rockslide are often used interchangeably. Different authors have proposed definitions based on volume thresholds, but the establishment of fixed boundaries can be tricky. Rockfall can be defined as the detachment of a mass of rock from a steep rock-wall, along discontinuities and/or through rock bri ...[Read More]