
blog team

The Sassy Scientist – The Free Dinner Solution

The Sassy Scientist – The Free Dinner Solution

It may be not be known to the wider lectureship of this column, but every year, around May, the headquarters of EGU-blogs are up for some important (and crucially, self inflicted) bit of house-keeping: the confirmation of the members of the blog team for the incoming editorial year. Those of you with colleagues that are here with me behind the curtains, might know about it from the relentless recr ...[Read More]

Join the EGU GD Blog Team!

Join the EGU GD Blog Team!

We are looking for new blog team members for the new ‘EGU year’ (June 2022 – June 2023)! By being part of the blog team, you will have the opportunity to meet lots of people from the geodynamics community and beyond and boost your own profile. This year, we are looking for many different kinds of contributions, so have a look below and see if anything sparks your interest! Intere ...[Read More]

Join the EGU GD Blog Team!

Join the EGU GD Blog Team!

We are looking for new blog team members for the new ‘EGU year’ (May 2021 – May 2022)! By being part of the blog team, you will have the opportunity to meet lots of people from the geodynamics community and beyond and boost your own profile. This year, we are looking for many different kinds of contributions, so have a look below and see if anything sparks your interest! Interest ...[Read More]

Join the EGU GD Blog Team!

Join the EGU GD Blog Team!

We are looking for both regular editors and Sassy Scientist columnists for the new ‘EGU year’ (which, by our definition runs from the week after EGU GA 2020 up to and including EGU GA 2021, i.e., May 11, 2020 – May 2, 2021)! Being an editor is lots of fun and you will be welcomed in a small, but dedicated team. You will have the opportunity to meet lots of people from the geodyna ...[Read More]