Are you looking forward to EGU 2023? Planning to attend, either in-person or online? Here are a few things to consider. First of all, there are several options for financial support to attend the meeting. Secondly, if you are interested in playing a more active role in the coordination and organisation of EGU, we are looking for several people to join the organisational team within the EGU Geodyna ...[Read More]
Become the next EGU GD Science Officer!
The Geodynamics division at the European Geosciences Union is looking for two new Science Officers to join the EGU GD Programme Group. Come join us and help shape the future of EGU conferences! What is a Science Officer and what do they do? Science officers work together to design an exciting, diverse, broad, and inclusive geodynamics programme for the next EGU conference Serve as editors and/or r ...[Read More]
EGU medals and awards
The deadline for submitting nominations is arriving soon. So it is the perfect time for EGU Geodynamics President Jeroen van Hunen to explain what awards there are and how easy it is to nominate you colleague for it! This is my first-ever EGU GD blog (in fact, this is the first time I am writing a blog at all). I feel like stepping into a new world. The topic of this blog is EGU medals and awards. ...[Read More]