The deadline for submitting nominations is arriving soon. So it is the perfect time for EGU Geodynamics President Jeroen van Hunen to explain what awards there are and how easy it is to nominate you colleague for it!
This is my first-ever EGU GD blog (in fact, this is the first time I am writing a blog at all). I feel like stepping into a new world.
The topic of this blog is EGU medals and awards. We all know colleagues we admire and we think they really deserve recognition for their outstanding work. And we all probably think that we really should nominate those people for a medal or award. But when the time comes, most of us are a bit too busy to put all the work in, and we solemnly pledge to it next year. But did you know how amazingly little work it is to put in a nomination for an EGU medal or award? And how simple the process really is?
EGU has Medals and Awards, and for the EGU Geodynamics division, the relevant ones are the Augustus Love medal and the Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award, and the hyperlinks list previous recipients.
For an Augustus Love medal nomination, all that is required is:
- Nomination letter (1 page)
- CV of the candidate (2 pages)
- List of selected publications (2 pages)
- 3 to 5 letters of support (maximum 1 page each).
For the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award, the list is even smaller, 2 pages in total, max:
- Nomination letter (half page)
- CV (1 page)
- Selected bibliography (half page)
Every EGU member can submit nominations, and nominations can be signed by multiple colleagues. The deadline for submitting 2022 nominees is 15th June 2021, so don’t postpone and nominate now!
All relevant information about medals, awards, and how to nominate someone can be found here, and the EGU classification of an Early Career Scientist is provided here. So what happens when you nominate someone? All nominations are collected by EGU, and after the deadline, a committee for the Love Medal and a committee for the Outstanding ECS Award will assess all nominations, and make a recommendation to the EGU Council.
So as you can see, the task is really not very onerous at all. So why not go for it this year? I look forward to your nominations!