Conferences are a vital part of academic life but with many conferences moving online due to the pandemic, the virtual conference hall can be a minefield! After a year of conferencing from afar, Kiran Chotalia shares the tips and tricks to make the conference experience live from your living room a breeze! It would be an understatement to say it has been quite the year. Travel restrictions put a f ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – Guest of Honour
Interdisciplinary research are the buzzwords all funding agencies want to hear these days. After reading my blog on how to write an interdisciplinary proposal researching the interior of planets, Ruby decided to approach a geochemistry group to collaborate. They have kindly invited her to present her latest research at their group meeting, which left Ruby coming to ME for help: How should I prepar ...[Read More]
Magnetic field generation and its reversal in dynamo models
Generation and reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field have remained one of the most controversial topics. In this week’s geodynamics 101, Debarshi Majumder, a PhD student from the Indian Institute of Science, gives a brief overview of the theory of geodynamo reversal and discusses some of the preliminary results obtained from numerical modelling. A planetary magnetic reversal is one of ...[Read More]
The most important aspect of your PhD: supervisor-student relationship

There are many variables when applying for a PhD programme (country, system, length, funding, project, etc.). In regards to choosing a supervisor, I did my best to make an educated choice, and I really lucked out in terms of the people that I am working with. In the past 3.5 years, I have received scientific and professional support, mentorship, networking opportunities, creative encouragem ...[Read More]