Mountain ranges have long served as natural boundaries, shaping the geopolitical landscape of nations. However, these towering landmarks often straddle borders, creating zones of cooperation or, more frequently, contention. From the Mont Blanc massif in Europe to the young, fragile ranges of the Himalayas, mountainous regions are fraught with overlapping challenges, including natural hazards, clim ...[Read More]
Earth Citizens and Natural Hazards: a few words from the perspective of our environment, the inhabited planet, Earth

The aerial view of a portion of the Amazon Rainforest in Suriname, South America (photo credit: Hedieh Soltanpour)
In January 2023, I visited the Amazon Forest in Suriname. During my visit, I met indigenous people known as the Saramaccers, a Maroon tribe residing in the heart of the Amazon Forest. I found it fascinating that the Saramaccers consider themselves an integral part of nature. Their motto is ‘If you respect nature, nature will be your friend and stand by you’. Nature extends a helping ha ...[Read More]