Natural Hazards


Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

This summer the University of Vienna has hosted an inspiring summer school on multi-hazard risk management, bringing science outreach and research closer together. In this post, Till Wenzel provides some insights about the importance of face-to-face meetings to bring together multiple perspectives and better understand multi-hazard risks.   The summer school has been organized by the Vienna I ...[Read More]

The EGU23 bucket list for Natural Hazards Early Career Scientists

The EGU23 bucket list for Natural Hazards Early Career Scientists

The European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly (GA) is a precious occasion to create new connections and receive new stimuli to feed your own research, specifically for those in the early stages of their career. Nevertheless, the occasions for networking and scientific discussion can be so many, that it could be difficult to choose what to attend. As a junior researcher and early career scie ...[Read More]

Back at in-person conferencing, our experience at the EGU GA 2022

Back at in-person conferencing, our experience at the EGU GA 2022

  As part of the NH Division blog editorial team, we, Joana and Shreya, describe our experience at the EGU General Assembly (GA) 2022 (#EGU22), held in the Austria Centre in Vienna, from May 24th-28th. It was the first hybrid conference we attended in-person after two years of the pandemic, with a footfall of more than 7,000 people and about the same number joining virtually. It was an enrich ...[Read More]

Is it time to think about the EGU General Assembly 2022? Yes, it is!

Blue background, yellow text: EGU General Assembly. #EGU22 3-8 April 2022

The General Assembly (GA) 2022 will take place from 3 to 8 April 2022, and, as of now, it is thought to be hosted in a hybrid format with in-presence events in Vienna (Austria) and online events on an interactive platform.   The conference is still so far away, why do you have to think about it now? Well, for once, the call for abstracts is open! So, it is time to review the provisional progr ...[Read More]