We are getting closer to 2020 and one of the first deadlines is for the submission of abstracts for the next EGU General Assembly (GA) in Wien, from the 3rd to the 8th of May 2020. The Natural hazards Early career scientist Team (NhET) has proposed several sessions and short courses also for next GA. Below you can find a list of them.
We also remind that there is an opportunity for financial support to attend EGU for both Early Career and Established Scientists. The deadline to apply and submit the abstract is the 1st of December and more information can be found on the dedicated section of the website of EGU2020.
Remember: you can submit an abstract to a session until the 15th of January 2019, 13:00 CET. And don’t forget the One-Abstract Rule, what does it mean? “Authors are allowed as first author to submit either one regular abstract plus one abstract solicited by a convener, or two solicited abstracts. A second regular abstract can be submitted to the Education and Outreach Sessions (EOS) programme group (the maximum number of abstracts, including solicited abstracts, remains two)”. You can submit following the links of each session below.
NH9.32 – Hazard and Risk Databases
Convener: Emanuela Toto | Co-conveners: Duygu Tufekci Enginar, Jonathan Rizzi
GMPV9.9 – Multidisciplinary characterization, quantification and modeling of explosive volcanic activity (Co-organized by NH2)
Convener: Kathleen McKee | Co-conveners: Guillaume Carazzo, Valeria Cigala, Pierre-Yves Tournigand
NH9.12 – Methods and Tools for Natural Risk Management and Communications (Co-organized by GM2)
Convener: Raffaele Albano | Co-conveners: Valeria Cigala, Jonathan Rizzi
NH6.5 – Hazard and risk assessment of climate related impacts on Agricultural and Forested Ecosystems using Remote Sensing and modelling
Convener: Jonathan Rizzi | Co-conveners: Luigi Lombardo, Wenwu Zhao
ITS4.9/ESSI2.17 – Spatio-temporal data science: theoretical advances and applications in computational geosciences (Co-organized by GM2/HS12/NH8/NP4/SSS12)
Convener: Federico Amato | Co-conveners: Fabian Guignard, Luigi Lombardo, Marj Tonini
Short courses are open to everyone, but we invite you to pre-register in order to help to organize the course in the best way (not mandatory). You can find pre-registration forms in the courses’ description.
SC4.7 – Speed-dating: Research-match making (Co-organized by NH11)
Convener: Luigi Lombardo | Co-conveners: Francisco Cáceres, Giulia Roder
This year there will be also a Union Symposium organized by NhET: we hope you will have the possibility to attend to it, more information will come soon about the speakers.
US2 – Geosciences and UN Sustainable Development Goals: pathways for the future
Convener: Jonathan Rizzi | Co-conveners: Nilay Dogulu, Gabriela Guimarães Nobre, Chiara Marchina, Giulia Roder
In addition to the above-mentioned sessions, we invite you to have a look at the wider and very interesting program of the Natural Hazard Division as a whole and to stay tuned for later information about Early Career Scientists’ ad hoc events that will take place during the GA.