
scientific software

Introducing GPlately

Introducing GPlately

The ability to easily compile and quickly evaluate both geological and geophysical data is essential for geodynamicists to understand Earth’s evolution. This week Dr. Ben Mather, a Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, introduces us to GPlately, a new tool designed to accelerate spatio-temporal data analysis in GPlates.  GPlately is a Python package that enables the reconstruction of ...[Read More]

It doesn’t work! (Asking questions about scientific software)

It doesn’t work! (Asking questions about scientific software)

Numerical modelling is not always a walk in the park. In fact, many of us occasionally encounter problems that we cannot directly solve ourselves, and thus rely on help from others. In this month’s Wit & Wisdom post, Patrick Sanan, postdoctoral researcher at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics group at ETH Zurich, will talk about asking the right questions about scientific software. As an experienc ...[Read More]