
planetary interior

A whole mantle dynamical framework for Venus

A whole mantle dynamical framework for Venus

Geodynamicists have long grappled with the complexities of Earth’s mantle dynamics—modeling Venus’ interior adds an extra layer of challenge without the benefit of plate tectonics! This week in News & Views, Madeleine Kerr, a PhD candidate from the University of California, San Diego, explores how numerical modeling can shed light on mantle dynamics and the evolution of Earth’s eni ...[Read More]

Exploration of Deep Earthquakes and Planetary Interiors

Cross-sectional view showing location of deep earthquakes

Most earthquakes on Earth start in the shallow, brittle part of the planet. However, there are several regions where earthquakes happen deep in the mantle. Where are these regions? Why do these earthquakes get so deep? In this week’s blog post, Ayako Tsuchiyama from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) takes us on a journey into the mysterious world of deep earthquakes.  Growing u ...[Read More]

Slow Evolution of Europa’s Interior

Slow Evolution of Europa’s Interior

“Europa may be one of the most promising places in our solar system to find present-day environments suitable for some form of life beyond Earth.” This week in News & Views, Kevin Trinh, a PhD student at Arizona State University, discusses how his recent works on Jupiter’s moon Europa can enlighten us about the evolution of Europa’s interior. One of the most promising p ...[Read More]