
mantle flow

Journey of the Indian plate

Journey of the Indian plate

Plume craton interaction is a fascinating geological phenomenon. The Indian plate, which has experienced several plume eruptions underneath it, is one of the best locations to study the effect of plume craton interaction. In this week’s news and view, I will provide an overview of the controversy and hypotheses related to the plume craton interaction within the Indian plate since the mid-Cre ...[Read More]

Whole solid-Earth numerical simulation: Towards an understanding of mantle-core interactive dynamics

Whole solid-Earth numerical simulation: Towards an understanding of mantle-core interactive dynamics

Due to huge difference between the time scale of the mantle convection and the outer core convection, they are modelled separately. In this week’s News and Views, Masaki Yoshida from the Volcanoes and Earth’s Interior Research Center, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan, put forward the recent development on the modeling of the whole solid-Earth. The E ...[Read More]

Modelling the deformation in the Indian plate and the India-Eurasia collision zone

Modelling the deformation in the Indian plate and the India-Eurasia collision zone

A complete fluid dynamical approach of modeling the Earth’s deformation can not provide a complete picture due to presence of rigid lithospheric plates. In this week’s news and views, Srishti Singh, scientist at National Geophysical Research Institute, India, explains how coupled models of lithosphere dynamics and mantle convection are developed.  The ongoing collision of the Indian plate wi ...[Read More]

The Indian Ocean Geoid Low at a plume-slab overpass

The Potsdam gravity potato

In this week’s News & Views, Postdoc Elodie Kendall from GFZ Potsdam shares with us recent work on the mantle structures that could explain the Indian Ocean Geoid Low.           What is the geoid, what does it look like and what can it tell us about mantle structure? The geoid is a model of the shape of the oceans’ surface if only gravity and Earth’s rotation act ...[Read More]