It’s time for another proper introduction of the blog team! As you will probably know, things have been a bit silent on the blog front lately. This is because all the blog editors were very busy and also: it’s hard to upload 52 times a year. You come up with some great blog ideas! (if you do: e-mail us, please!). Luckily, we used the EGU General Assembly to find some fresh blood for th ...[Read More]
New faces for 2018 – 2019
We found some bright new faces at the EGU GA this year, so we need to make some introductions! Both the Early Career Scientist Team and the Blog Team have expanded and it is my absolute delight to introduce to you our 2(!) ECS Representatives for 2018-2019 and our new addition to the blog team (also see this post if you have forgotten the other members of the blog team)! ECS Representatives Nico S ...[Read More]
EGU GD Whirlwind Wednesday: Geodynamics 101 & other events
Yesterday (Wednesday, April 12, 2018), the first ever Geodynamics 101 short course at EGU was held. It was inspired by our regular blog series of the same name. I can happily report that it was a success! With at least 60 people attending (admittedly, we didn’t count as we were trying to focus on explaining geodynamics) we had a nicely filled room. Surprisingly, quite some geodynamicists wer ...[Read More]
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Romeo and Juliet famously had some identification problems: they met, fell in love, and only afterwards realised that they were arch enemies, which *spoiler* resulted in their disastrous fate. Oops. Of course, this could happen to anybody. However, we do not want this to happen to you! We want you to know who we, the EGU Geodynamics Blog Team, are! So, in order to prevent any mishaps during future ...[Read More]