
Early Career Scientists

Become the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the Geodynamics Division!

Become the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the Geodynamics Division!

The Geodynamics division of the European Geosciences Union is looking for a new Early Career Scientist representative (ECS Rep)! Our current ECS Rep (Anna Gülcher) will be stepping down at the EGU General Assembly 2022, which means that the amazing opportunity is open for you to take on this role! In this blog, Anna talks about the tasks involved in being an ECS Rep, the advantages of taking on th ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Including Inclusivity

The Sassy Scientist – Including Inclusivity

In a previous post I gave a cristal-clear explanation on what to write in a “teaching statement”, an essential document in your tenure-track application package. In this post I shall offer invaluable insight on an even more obscure document required for academic job hunters, by answering Inessa’s question: What should you include in your “diversity, equity, inclusion statem ...[Read More]

Orphaning: Discovering New Subduction Processes

Orphaning: Discovering New Subduction Processes

Science is all about discovering new things. But how do we make these discoveries, adding to the ever growing pantheon of knowledge? This week, we sit with one of our editors Antoniette Greta Grima, a Postdoctoral Fellow from the University of Texas at Austin, to understand what it takes to discover a new slab process.  Thanks for sitting down with us this week! First things first, which subductio ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Stating The (not so) Obvious

The Sassy Scientist – Stating The (not so) Obvious

Applying for tenure-track (or something close to that) positions is the very reason for many brilliant scientists to eventually run away from academia as fast as they can. Finding an opening, preparing your application and bracing yourself for the n-th `no thank you, but you should really try again!’ is a tedious, time-consuming, numbing, soul-destroying, kill-me-now process. Among the many ...[Read More]