
Academic life

The Sassy Scientist – Diamonds in the Rough

The Sassy Scientist – Diamonds in the Rough

It’s that time of year again. The academic year is ramping up, everyone is back from their summer holiday and expecting miraculous things from you, the deadlines are rolling in and there is (unfortunately) no end in sight. So of course, Paxman, like many of you, is wondering: How can I feel less pressure/stress in my work? Dear Paxman, Stress? Pressure? Surely you love your research enough that ev ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Happy Perspectives

The Sassy Scientist – Happy Perspectives

Anybody that has read at least one post of my weekly column, knows I am not shy about giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Or in this case clearly pointing at the problems in the academic world. Alba seems to have taken this one step further and asks: Why is no one in academia happy? Dear Alba, Believe me, I see where this is coming from, but this might be taking things a tiny bit too far, don ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Bad Coffee

The Sassy Scientist – Bad Coffee

Worldwide scientific cooperations, international meetings, internet-based literature. In today’s world we are deeply interconnected and the leading expert on that obscure method or topic you need to make your proposal truly interdisciplinary is just one email away. After all, global problems require global efforts (and lots of cheap labor bright and motivated young minds). Fen has a question ...[Read More]

Work-life balance during a PhD

Work-life balance during a PhD

Doing a PhD is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. You get to conduct your own research, develop your skills, and ultimately become a doctor! Think back to when you were told that your application was accepted, and you were going to start the PhD position. I bet you were excited and nervous; I know I was! However, after starting your PhD, the excitement may fade and stress can start to ...[Read More]