

Geodynamics @ EGU 2023: Financial support and vacancies

Geodynamics @ EGU 2023: Financial support and vacancies

Are you looking forward to EGU 2023? Planning to attend, either in-person or online? Here are a few things to consider. First of all, there are several options for financial support to attend the meeting. Secondly, if you are interested in playing a more active role in the coordination and organisation of EGU, we are looking for several people to join the organisational team within the EGU Geodyna ...[Read More]

Magnets are cool, and….. so is the Earth!

Magnets are cool, and….. so is the Earth!

Magnets are cool, who does not like them? And the planet that we live in, the Earth, itself is a huge magnet. Not only does the Earth’s magnetic field protect us from harmful radiation from space, but it can also help us reveal some of the secrets of our planet. Local variations in the magnetic field can be used to probe the subsurface of the Earth from crustal to mantle depths. Although there is ...[Read More]

G-ADOPT: a next generation computational modelling framework for geodynamics

G-ADOPT: a next generation computational modelling framework for geodynamics

Schematic illustrating core components of G-ADOPT, an Australian based cross-NCRIS project, principally developed at the Australian National University (ANU), with partners at the University of Sydney and Imperial College London. G-ADOPT is supported by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), with co-investment from AuScope, the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) and Geosciences Aust ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Pick Your Battles

The Sassy Scientist – Pick Your Battles

As I already mentioned in the past, anonymity can lead to bad reviews. A state of namelessness can empower younger scientists to criticize manuscripts from potential future employers. But it also allows unaccommodating reviewers to stall a perfectly good submission for…reasons? Meia has encountered, or heard of such buffoons, and wonders: How to deal with an anonymous unreasonable reviewer? ...[Read More]