The advance of Artificial Intelligence is impacting all spheres of human activity, and Geosciences are no exception. In this week’s post, Denise Degen from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, gives us a glimpse of what this means for Geodynamics. Discussing the advantages and caveats of different approaches, she shows how physics-based Machine Learning may help us investigating and understanding comp ...[Read More]
Going to the mountains is going home
Geoscientists explore the nature from a different perspective than the commoners. In this week’s blog, Stephanie Sparks from Arizona State University shares her story how her passion for mountains gradually became her profession. Her journey through different regions in Himalaya leads her to understand the exhumation rate and the underlying geodynamic processes behind the formation of world’s high ...[Read More]
A summer science YouTube playlist
Summer is not over yet, so today I prepared a list of science YouTube channels to check out during the lazy summer afternoons. Scientists and teachers love to share their research, experiments and insights with anyone who is willing to listen, so there are many fantastic science channels to watch. These people work hard to make science accessible for everyone, so when we’re all done watching bad s ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – Cracking the social code
Navigating the challenge of making new friends in a new place -well, thanks to academia…- can be as complex as decoding the Earth’s geological history. This time Bob is demanding our knowledge for: New academic job. New town. New life. It was fairly easy to make friends when I was young but how do I make friends as an adult? Dear Bob, Bob. Bob. Oh, Bob… Thanks for interrupting m ...[Read More]