

Top 3 Geoparks to Visit in Greece

Top 3 Geoparks to Visit in Greece

Have you started planning your summer holidays, or do you desperately need to escape work? Well, rest assured we’ve got you all covered. In this week’s blog, we aim to take you on a Geojourney around the most diverse and spectacular Geoparks you can visit, the next time you travel to Greece.   Greece is well known as one of the top travel destinations around the world with its dreamy sandy b ...[Read More]

EGU General Assembly: Geodynamics Division

EGU General Assembly: Geodynamics Division

The EGU General Assembly is fast-approaching! This week, we interview two members of the Geodynamics Division team – Jeroen van Hunen and Garima Shukla – to hear their thoughts on the upcoming General Assembly. We’re also sharing all of the key events planned by the Geodynamics Division to add to your conference program. The Geodynamics Division at EGU24 As we approach the Genera ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Dungeon Diving Postdoc: Critical Hit or Critical Miss

The Sassy Scientist – Dungeon Diving Postdoc: Critical Hit or Critical Miss

From 22°C December to 6°C (end of) March… Something feels off. Maybe the climate also decided to change fields. So Denise asks: How feasible is it to change your field as a postdoc when you’re terrified of being ghosted by hiring committees or getting rejection letters? Dear Denise, Sure. I mean, why not? Changing to a new field as a postdoc is like stepping into uncharted territory: e ...[Read More]