You’ve come to the end of your PhD and after years and years of hard work, one last question remains: “Should I go to my PhD graduation?”. This week, we have one of our editors Kiran Chotalia sharing her two cents after she finally attended her in-person graduation this year after it was delayed by the pandemic (TLDR; definitely go!). In March 2020, after four and a half years of hard work, meetin ...[Read More]
Journey of the Indian plate

Plume craton interaction is a fascinating geological phenomenon. The Indian plate, which has experienced several plume eruptions underneath it, is one of the best locations to study the effect of plume craton interaction. In this week’s news and view, I will provide an overview of the controversy and hypotheses related to the plume craton interaction within the Indian plate since the mid-Cre ...[Read More]
There’s more to Geoscience than just oil and gas
When most people hear Geology, they might think ‘rocks’, ‘diamonds’ or ‘oil and gas’, and these perceptions of the Geosciences vary from country to country. This week, we have PhD student Ayuni Ina Mohamaad from the University of Florida to tell us more about the Malaysian view of geoscientists. Fresh out of high school in 2009, I was still unclear with how I would like to move forward in life, ca ...[Read More]
Do lower mantle slabs contribute in generating the Indian Ocean geoid low?

The Indian Ocean Geoid Low is an enigmatic phenomenon in geodynamics. Many brain-storming hypotheses have been proposed in the last few decades to explain this geoid low. One popular idea argues that the high density lower mantle slabs contribute to this geoid low. Recent discoveries have shown that low-density anomalies from the African LLSVP region could have a more substantial influence on crea ...[Read More]