
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – Pick Your Battles

The Sassy Scientist – Pick Your Battles

As I already mentioned in the past, anonymity can lead to bad reviews. A state of namelessness can empower younger scientists to criticize manuscripts from potential future employers. But it also allows unaccommodating reviewers to stall a perfectly good submission for…reasons? Meia has encountered, or heard of such buffoons, and wonders: How to deal with an anonymous unreasonable reviewer? ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Back to Basics

The Sassy Scientist – Back to Basics

We’ve spent a lot of time in the past talking about imposter syndrome, coping with the stresses of academic life and how to make sure you’re looking after yourself. Today though, it’s time for a little practical advice. As a new PhD researcher, Felix has been feeling like he’s been thrown in the deep end and is desperately trying to catch up. However, he feels like it is ta ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Clean Your Toilet

The Sassy Scientist – Clean Your Toilet

As academics, a lot of our time is invested in activities that are not seemingly related to our research. Teaching, organising seminars, writing EGU blog posts, reviewing papers. While I don’t deny the time consumingness of it, reviewing papers is a necessary and useful activity, at least as long as the publishing system works the way it currently does (that’s a topic for another post) ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Unbelievable Lunacies

The Sassy Scientist – Unbelievable Lunacies

Being the reasonable, far-sighted and moderate entity that it is, humanity is irreversibly destroying the habitability of the planet it was given. I hope (man, I *hope*) I don’t have to convince anybody about this *fact*. Most of us are not concerned about this. Some of us are a tad concerned about the fact that the  IPCC has declared that keeping the excess temperature below 1.5 degrees has ...[Read More]