
Geodynamics & Tectonics on-the-go

Geodynamics & Tectonics on-the-go

In 2020, we found ourselves fully immersed in the world of virtual seminar series, a trend that has continued since then. By that time, the blog team made a compilation of seminar series of interest to the Geodynamics community. Four years have passed bringing both new additions and some that have become inactive. It’s now time for an update! Here is a non-exhaustive list of recorded seminar series for your travels/commuting time or a bit of not-so-guilty procrastination. If there’s a seminar series we haven’t covered here or in our previous posts, please let us know in the comments!

CIG Seminar Series

The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) YouTube channel includes their seminar series on Fault Mechanics (2023) and Seismic Cycles (2022), along with their organized workshops about their curated software including ASPECT, PyLith and SPECFEM, among others. 

ERC TECTONIC-FEAR Seminars on Earthquake Physics

These weekly seminars focus on the physics of earthquake faulting, featuring invited speakers from multiple disciplines. Typically held on Wednesday afternoons (CEST), they are hosted by Chris Marone under the ERC projects TECTONIC-FEAR.

Fault2SHA Learning Seminar series

Interested in the hazard aspect of earthquakes but unsure where to start? The Fault2SHA seminar series is then the place to go. Each video features an expert discussing a specific methodology or aspect of seismic hazard assessment. Initiated in 2020, this series is part of the fault2SHA initiative and is organized by Joanna Faure Walker.

GEO@ICTP_EAIR Seminar Series

Since 2023, the ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research has been running a seminar series on general topics of tectonics and geodynamics.

SZ4D Seminar Series

The Subduction Zone in 4 Dimensions (SZ4D) YouTube channel is dedicated to all things subduction. It includes the SZ4DGrad series featuring invited early career scientists (ECS) speakers and other events, such as the 2024 Rheology and Stress workshop.

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She is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Plymouth (UK). Her research interests spans from the role of fault networks with complex geometries in earthquake processes to the link of the lithospheric structure with observed seismic deformation. She is the editor-in-chief of the EGU Geodynamics blog.

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