Did you know the EGU Geodynamics division has a social media team? No? Well, now you do! A small, but incredibly dedicated team, these are the people shouting geodynamics from the online rooftops every single day! They are responsible for the posts on facebook and the lively tweets on twitter. What? You don’t follow us on social media yet? Well, I’ll forgive you if you take a second to follow us now. And then come back here to read who is in the social media team!
The Social Media Team
Charitra Jain
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences at Durham University, United Kingdom. I strive to unravel the mysteries behind the formation and evolution of early Earth using global numerical models. More specifically, I am interested in understanding the origins and the stability of the continents – you know: the same ones we live on. By the way, if you have already figured out when plate tectonics started on our planet, then you would save me a lot of time and trouble. I struggle to find my own pictures as I am mostly behind the lens taking candid photos of friends or capturing the serene English landscape. Although I am very much happy with picking out the tunes for the next party or catching the latest movie at the cinema, lately I have been kept on my toes with bouldering and running. You can reach me via e-mail.
Jyotirmoy Paul
I am a PhD student at the Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science. I started as a geology major and currently shifted to computational geodynamics. My research work involves understanding the evolution of cratons using time-dependent 3-D spherical numerical models. Apart from academics, I have learned Indian classical violin and a bit of Cello. In the outdoors, I am a high altitude trekker. You can reach me via e-mail.
Grace Shephard
As if presented with the choice between hummus and beetroot dip at a party, I have been double dipping in EGU GD ECS roles – I am an editor for the GD blog as well as a member of the GD social media team. On a more regular basis, I am a researcher at the Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED) at the University of Oslo; where I work on plate tectonics, mantle geodynamics, polar networks, and general outreach – I also coordinate CEED’s social media accounts. I have been happy to help get the EGU GD Twitter account up and running along with CJ. My personal Twitter account is @ShepGracie; where I post mostly about the above content and (mostly) resist the temptation of corgi and sausage dog GIFs. You can reach me at grace.shephard@geo.uio.no.