
EGU GD Informal Lunch

EGU GD Informal Lunch

Good afternoon. This is your correspondent, Iris van Zelst, reporting live from the EGU General Assembly 2018 in Vienna, Austria. Today, the first Early Career Scientist Geodynamics event of this week took place. Several young geodynamicists gathered at the Donau Zentrum (metro stop Kagran, 2 stops away from the conference centre) to have lunch. ECS Representative Adina Pusok, who initiated this meeting, is said to have explained the role of the ECS Representative and the many different activities in which ECS can become involved. Furthermore, inside sources confirm that a new blog editor and ECS Co-Representative have been found. We expect more details to become available in the near future. This was Iris van Zelst, reporting live from Vienna, Austria. Back to the studio.

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Iris is a Patience Cowie research fellow at the University of Edinburgh. Her current research revolves around modelling the geodynamics and seismicity of Venus. Previous projects concerned subduction dynamics and the associated seismic and tsunami hazards. Iris is the former Editor-in-chief of the GD blog team and now sometimes just blogs for fun. You can reach Iris via email. For more details, please visit Iris' personal webpage or check out her youtube channel:

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