Hello and welcome to the new blog of the Geodynamics division! From now on we will break your week on Wednesday morning with a new blog post!
We will showcase many different aspects of geodynamics by introducing various topics to you in our Geodynamics 101 series, and we will discuss the latest geodynamics news in our News & Views. We will also keep you up to date with the Geodynamics-related EGU (ECS) activities and we provide a platform for highlighting geodynamics in an interdisciplinary manner. To entertain you throughout your academic (or non-academic, we aren’t picky) career there will be regular Wit & Wisdom posts full of wit (but rarely wisdom). Interesting regional and global geodynamics will be discussed in the semi-regular features Remarkable Regions and Peculiar Planets. So basically you have a lot to look forward to!
If you would like to be notified when a new blog post is published please click the button ‘Follow’ in the lower right corner and enter your e-mail address. We promise you won’t regret it.
If you ever have any comments or ideas for our blog, or (even better!) if you would like to write a guest blog post, please don’t hesitate and contact us immediately! We really would love to hear from you.
Happy reading,
The Geodynamics Blog Team