Natural Hazards

Sungju Han

Hi, I’m Sungju, postdoctoral researcher exploring the perceptions and behaviors of communities facing climate-related challenges to understand the complex dynamics between environmental risks and societal responses. Combining qualitative insights and quantitative rigor, I try to translate academic research into practical solutions that enhance community resilience. My work integrates detailed case studies from diverse geographic and cultural contexts.

Taking the risk personally: how perceived flood experience relates to risk perception, sensed coping appraisal, and protective behaviour

Taking the risk personally:  how perceived flood experience relates to risk perception, sensed coping appraisal, and  protective behaviour

The frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall, droughts, and storms, are increasing globally, putting societies and infrastructures worldwide at risk [1]. These developments demand effective adaptation measures and ways to enhance societal resilience. Consequently, it is necessary to understand how people perceive and respond to natural hazards. Knowing that the occu ...[Read More]