Natural Hazards

Lisa Köhler

Hello, I am Lisa, and I am a PhD student in the Research Training Group "Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World" at the University of Potsdam (Germany). I try to identify how multiple flood experience interacts with protective behaviour and mental resilience. To do so, I am applying theories from psychology to the field of natural hazard research and empirically model human behaviour and perceptions. As the latest IPCC report also suggests that global climate change is influencing the frequency of flooding, I am connecting the fields that I am most interested in: psychology, climate change, and empirical modelling. Looking ahead, I aspire to further explore the psychology of natural hazards, particularly focusing on how people appraise and cope when confronted with multiple natural hazards simultaneously.

Taking the risk personally: how perceived flood experience relates to risk perception, sensed coping appraisal, and protective behaviour

Taking the risk personally:  how perceived flood experience relates to risk perception, sensed coping appraisal, and  protective behaviour

The frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall, droughts, and storms, are increasing globally, putting societies and infrastructures worldwide at risk [1]. These developments demand effective adaptation measures and ways to enhance societal resilience. Consequently, it is necessary to understand how people perceive and respond to natural hazards. Knowing that the occu ...[Read More]