Natural Hazards

Ivan Oliveira

Ivan Oliveira is an eLearning Specialist at the ITC Faculty at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. He started his career as a video maker after graduating from Film School working on commercials for broadcast TV in Brazil. After moving to the Netherlands he founded a video production company and, later on, started an online education company teaching entrepreneurs how to make videos for their business via online courses and the blogs videohero.com.br and cinematografico.com.br. His experience with online teaching and technical know-how were the bridge for his position as eLearning Specialist, where he helps teachers in the Geo-Information and Earth Observation domains to make better use of digital tools to help students reach their goals.

Education in pandemic times, a digital help

Education in pandemic times, a digital help

It has been a long year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We all had to adjust and deal with a completely new reality, and it hasn’t always been easy. The adjustment has involved every aspect of life including the education system. When contact restrictions are in place and you cannot meet in person your students, your teachers, how do you continue to provide this crucial service? All univ ...[Read More]