Natural Hazards

New positions to join the Natural Hazards Division team!

New positions to join the Natural Hazards Division team!

Interested in being actively involved in shaping the EGU NH Division activities and organising the annual General Assembly?  Are you working in the Natural Hazards field? Then keep reading… we need you!

Our Division is seeking:

  • a new Science Officer for the NH10 Multi-Hazards sub-division
  • a new Social Media Coordinator

For both positions, the term is fixed for a two-year period with a possible extension for another two-year period (the maximum duration of a term is four years), from General Assembly to General Assembly (GA). Please, note these are not job positions, the time commitment is flexible and on a voluntary basis. Most of the activities can be carried out remotely.


What does it mean to become a Science Officer?

The main role of Science Officers is to contribute to shaping and managing the EGU NH program for the GA in the area of their responsibility. This implies some major tasks during the year:

1) from June to September everybody is asked to propose new sessions. The role of Science officers at this stage is to control that their sub-divisions are well represented. Representation is evaluated by the number of sessions that are led by NH. At this stage, you can contact conveners of the successful sessions of previous years and discuss with them whether they would like to run their sessions again. You are also encouraged to solicit new sessions with new topics.

2) In September-October we finalize the session program for the next GA. At this stage Science Officers are asked to evaluate the sessions of their sub-divisions and to discuss with conveners the possible merging of the sessions if several very similar topics are proposed.

3) Until January we accept abstracts. The Role of the Science Officer is to advertise EGU, its sub-division, and its sessions.

4) From January and later on, we work with all the sessions and abstracts we receive. If you have been involved as a convener, you should know several steps (SOI, SOII, and SOIII) to finalize the program. What Science Officers do is not very different from that. If some conveners missed the deadline, Science Officer communicates with them first, and if there is no more time to wait, takes responsibility and finalizes all these stages for them. This includes ranking travel awards, accepting abstracts, deciding about the status of the session, etc. Apart from this, Science Officers communicate with the conveners regarding all questions and also coordinate session merging.

Outside the GA organization, Science Officers are involved in:

  1. Organising other conferences under the EGU umbrella.
  2. Supporting our social media channels with information.
  3. Reviewing the keywords for EGU.
  4. Discuss and give timely feedback on EGU policies.
  5. Distribute new EGU information among conveners, authors, or within your community.
  6. Advertise our Awards and Medals in your communities.
  7. Advertise our Journal NHESS.
  8. Advertise other EGU events and activities.
  9. Act in any way for NH Division improvement.


What are the main duties and responsibilities of a Social Media Coordinator?

The main duty of the social media coordinator is the coordination of the social media outreach activities of the NH Division (i.e., Facebook and Twitter). This includes motivating and forming a team of volunteers who help with social media activities.


How to apply

Candidates should send a short motivation letter, including a short vision on 1) the sub-division or 2) the social media activities (how you see it, which part would you like to strengthen, which topics to add, which additional activities can you envision, etc.) and one-page Curriculum Vitae to Heidi.kreibich@gfz-potsdam.de and egu.nhpres@gmail.com.

The deadline for applications is 27 March 2023.

The selection process will be based on the evaluation of the experience 1) in Multi-Hazard activities and projects or 2) in Social Media activities; and more generally in experience in international scientific associations, in addition to gender and country balance.

The positions are open for all career stages and we specifically welcome applications from Early Career Scientists.

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Silvia De Angeli is a Fixed-term Assistant Professor at the University of Genoa in Italy, investigating water-related and multi-hazard risks for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. She has obtained a Ph.D. in Understanding and Managing Extremes at IUSS Pavia (Italy) and spent an exchange period as a Postgraduate Researcher at King's College London - Geography Department, working on multi-hazard risk. Her research interests encompass natural hazards exposure and vulnerability assessment, water-related risk assessment, climate change adaptation strategies, and multi-hazard risk assessment.

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