Following an inspiring workshop, as well as our own experiences and informal discussions with students and undergraduate PhD students at the University of Lausanne (see our previous blog post), we collected ideas for a wish list for safe and accessible field classes. It is not exhaustive, and we hope that it will inspire field leaders and students alike. The wish list is summarized here below. It ...[Read More]
Inclusive fieldwork: issues to care about
Imagine it is your first time going on a field trip. After spending hours in the lecture theatre, you are excited to get outside and see those environmental processes that so far you have only seen in graphs and figures. You get off the bus, and the first thing your professor says is: “people less comfortable with climbing on the rocks can just take the notes”, while looking at you and your femal ...[Read More]
Making measurements accessible through low-tech hydro sensors: a step towards better agricultural water management?
“We can’t manage what we can’t measure”, said Peter Drucker, the founder of business management. Let’s see whether this applies to water management as well – especially agricultural water management. As part of my PhD project, I am wondering to what extent new (or alternative) hydro sensors may contribute to the improvement of the performance of irrigated agriculture. As t ...[Read More]
Call For Contributors: Dive Into Science Communication, Share Your Story
After some holidays, the blog of the EGU’s Hydrological Science (HS) division is back – and looking for contributors to share their unique experiences, personal views, and inspiring research stories. What Stories Are We Looking For? We invite all hydrologists from any professional background, including graduate students and early career scientists, to submit contributions. You can present the b ...[Read More]