Hydrological Sciences

Archives / 2020 / April

WomenInHydrology – a new initiative to connect female hydrologists worldwide

WomenInHydrology – a new initiative to connect female hydrologists worldwide

Geographical location of the WomenInHydrology members by their workplace, stand: 31.03.2020 What is WomenInHydrology about? WomenInHydrology is a Google Group mailing list created to encourage and foster the active participation of female hydrologists in the hydrological community. While the information content is not intended to be only women-oriented, the mailing list is dedicated specifically t ...[Read More]

On modelers and modeling

On modelers and modeling

Several studies were conducted and are ongoing where we investigate modelers, modeling decisions and modeling perceptions. Below I discuss the rationale and a summary of the (preliminary) results. Simulation models, conceptualizations of processes into a system of mathematical equations (hereafter simply referred to as models), are frequently used tools in the hydrological sciences. The literature ...[Read More]