Hydrological Sciences


Welcome to the blog of the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). This blog is a platform to communicate new ideas and old thoughts, a bit of history and future perspectives, as well as a glimpse at experimental and modelling studies. In other words, it is a platform to share news, research and opinions on hydrological processes and applications, including interactions between hydrology and other disciplines in geosciences. This blog hopes to address a number of topics, as well as the major challenges, related to hydrological sciences.

How to prepare your blog post

If you are interested in writing a blog post, please read the General Guideline and contact the Editorial Team to pitch your blog post:

Main Editor: Bettina Schaefli


Banner image: Masino river, by Christian Massari; Image source: Imaggeo

The opinions expressed in the Hydrological Sciences Division blog are those of the authors, whose views may differ from those of the European Geosciences Union.


Our past HS Blog Editors: