
The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – Thesis SOS: AI or just more pepperoni?

The Sassy Scientist – Thesis SOS: AI or just more pepperoni?

Are you sitting there, staring at your screen, miraculously waiting for your thesis to write itself? Ever wondered if AI could be your ultimate wingman **sorry, I meant wingbot** when tackling that master’s or Ph.D. thesis? Well, it must be your lucky day because Eric is asking Could AI actually help me write my master’s/ PhD thesis? Dear Eric, First of all, I’m offended that you mixed me wi ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Everything everywhere all at once

The Sassy Scientist – Everything everywhere all at once

Ever wondered how to manage a flurry of projects without losing your sanity? Maggie was curious if the Sassy Scientist could provide some insight into this. So she is asking: How do I manage to work on multiple projects at a time? Dear Maggie,   You simply DON’T. Let me debunk this “juggling a gazillion projects is the key to success in academia” myth faster than you can ima ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Cracking the social code

The Sassy Scientist – Cracking the social code

Navigating the challenge of making new friends in a new place  -well, thanks to academia…- can be as complex as decoding the Earth’s geological history. This time Bob is demanding our knowledge for: New academic job. New town. New life. It was fairly easy to make friends when I was young but how do I make friends as an adult? Dear Bob, Bob. Bob. Oh, Bob… Thanks for interrupting m ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – A survival guide for grant writing

The Sassy Scientist – A survival guide for grant writing

Well, well, well, what do we have in here? Is that another fellow geoscientist going after a fund? Yes, seems like it. First of all good luck mate, a tough journey is ahead of you. I hope you have a lucky item with you to keep you alive during this period. So this time we have Boris asking: How do I secure funding? Dear Boris, Now, let’s get real. Securing funding for your research is like f ...[Read More]