

Get conference ready!

Get conference ready!

It’s almost time for the AGU fall meeting 2018! Are you ready? Have you prepared your schedule and set up all your important business meetings? Here are some final tips to nail your presentation and/or poster! Nailing your presentation • The art of the 15-minute talk: how to design the best 15-minute talk • Presentation skills – 1. Voice: how to get the most out of your presentation vo ...[Read More]

An industrial placement as a geodynamicist

An industrial placement as a geodynamicist

After years of trying to get a PhD, publishing papers, networking with professors, and trying to land that one, elusive, permanent job in science, it can be quite easy to forget that you actually do have career options outside of academia. To get a little taste of this, Nico Schliffke, PhD student in geodynamics at Durham University, tries out the industry life for a few weeks! When coming close t ...[Read More]

Inversion 101 to 201 – Part 3: Accounting for uncertainty – Bayes and friends

Inversion 101 to 201 – Part 3: Accounting for uncertainty – Bayes and friends

The Geodynamics 101 series serves to showcase the diversity of research topics and methods in the geodynamics community in an understandable manner. We welcome all researchers – PhD students to professors – to introduce their area of expertise in a lighthearted, entertaining manner and touch upon some of the outstanding questions and problems related to their fields. This time, Lars Gebraad, PhD s ...[Read More]

Inversion 101 to 201 – Part 2: The inverse problem and deterministic inversion

Inversion 101 to 201 – Part 2: The inverse problem and deterministic inversion

The Geodynamics 101 series serves to showcase the diversity of research topics and methods in the geodynamics community in an understandable manner. We welcome all researchers – PhD students to professors – to introduce their area of expertise in a lighthearted, entertaining manner and touch upon some of the outstanding questions and problems related to their fields. This time, Lars Gebraad, PhD s ...[Read More]