

Bring on 2021!

Bring on 2021!

Good news, everyone: 2020 is almost over! Your beloved EGU Geodynamics blog team is taking a 2-week break to recover from this extraordinary year. Or maybe ‘unprecedented’ is a better word? I am – of course – referring to the fact that 2020 has been the most successful blog year to date. Not at all the fact that there was a global pandemic this year. Nope. Absolutely not. T ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Reaching For The Stars

The Sassy Scientist – Reaching For The Stars

In a world of repetitive home office clean-ups, Freya is teetering on the brink of mental breakdown. Whereas al of our brilliant suggestions, such as cooking, befriending your neighbours, brush up on your programming skills, consider a career outside academia, acquiring new hobbies or wasting your time watching silly movies, have not posed good enough of an answer to alleviate the worries floating ...[Read More]

What can we learn from geodynamic failure?

Artwork reading

In this week’s post, Mohamed Gouiza discusses the challenges of living under constant stress, paralysed by the possibility of failure and self-perceived inevitability of impending breakup. Continental rifting, of course! Oh… did you think I was talking about life as a researcher? Under tensile stress, the lithosphere stretches, the asthenosphere rises, the crust fails, and rifts form. During this ...[Read More]

Introducing the new blog team!

Introducing the new blog team!

A new year, a new blog team! During the virtual EGU, we managed to find a lot of new people for the blog. In addition, some oldies but goldies will stay on, and, unfortunately, some editors also resigned (but they might still pop up every once in a while with a cheeky post). So, without further ado, here are the superstars of the blog team for the 2020-2021 EGU blog year who will provide you with ...[Read More]