

Journey of the Indian plate

Journey of the Indian plate

Plume craton interaction is a fascinating geological phenomenon. The Indian plate, which has experienced several plume eruptions underneath it, is one of the best locations to study the effect of plume craton interaction. In this week’s news and view, I will provide an overview of the controversy and hypotheses related to the plume craton interaction within the Indian plate since the mid-Cre ...[Read More]

2021: 100th year of the craton concept and beyond

2021: 100th year of the craton concept and beyond

One hundred years back, Leopold Kober first introduced the term “Kratogen”. With time, the concept of kratogen has evolved, and they are now known as cratons. In this week’s news and views, Jyotirmoy (@GeophyJo), a PhD student from the Indian Institute of Science revisits the history of craton science: how the craton concept has evolved and what are the modern problems related to them.   &nbs ...[Read More]