It’s Christmas! Time for celebration! Time to write your EGU abstract! Time to unwrap your presents! And for some, time to start writing yor PhD dissertation! Rudoplh is one of the lucky ones! But he has a question: How should I start on my PhD dissertation? Dear Rudy, What better time to get started on your dissertation than during the Christmas holidays? I recommend to start writing during ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – All I Want For Christmas…
The Sassy Scientist has been a very good boy, slaving away at his fume cupboard and diligently hammering his keyboard. He therefore feels justified pinning his letter to Santa on the department noticeboard, putting on his favourite Christmas jumper, and hoping for more than a piece of anthracite in his stocking. What would the Sassy Scientist like for Christmas? Dear Father Christmas, I, the Sassy ...[Read More]
The fluid dynamics of wine

Credit: Max Pixel
The Christmas holidays: the one time of year that you don’t need to think about work. Instead, you are focussed on your family (including the in-laws), the massive amount of food still left (a miscalculation every year), and you’re starting to think about your New Year’s resolutions (because we give it a try every year, right?). So, this is definitely not the time to go and read ...[Read More]