Geodynamists usually do at least a bit of programming, but in many cases a lot of programming, although that might just be my academic bubble. Most of that programming is done in programming languages that have been around at least since the 80’s (Fortran, C and C++) or early 90’s (Python). These programming languages have of course evolved considerably over time, but new languages keep popping up ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – Second the Best
First the worst, second the best, third the one with a hairy chest! Gemma used to chant that in the playground, but now she wonders if it also applies to PhDs. I am not happy with my PhD. Should I do a second? Dear Gemma, That sounds like a great idea! Everyone who’s finished a PhD knows they could do it again in half the time, unless you had a supervisor with supernatural managerial abiliti ...[Read More]
What to expect from vEGU21: virtual General Assembly
This year, once again, the EGU General Assembly (GA) will be completely online. The 2021 GA will include all components of an in-presence EGU GA, such as sharing scientific content, connecting with your peers, making new contacts, attending short courses, etc. With the virtual GA looming in one week, it’s time for all attendees to finish (or start..) their scientific contributions and figure out h ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – Will You Be My Co-PI?
In the landscape of very competitive scientific funding, and with STEM research teams sometimes having more people with the name ‘Ben’ than women, Pierre asks what no one dares to even think: Can I increase the chances for my proposal getting funded if I co-write it with a woman? Dear Pierre, The funding game is one of low-odds and it seems you are looking for a loophole. No judgement ...[Read More]