

Announcing: The PhD Chronicles

Announcing: The PhD Chronicles

Hello and welcome back to the EGU Geodynamics blog in 2021! We are starting the new year of blogging with an exciting announcement: We will have a new monthly feature on the first Monday of the month called ‘The PhD Chronicles‘. Just pretend today is the first Monday of the month, please. It was right after New Year’s Eve, okay? I didn’t have time to write this sooner. Actu ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Palpable Positivity

The Sassy Scientist – Palpable Positivity

With a fresh start this year, Amaia is trying to forecast her scientific activities for the year. Weary by these thoughts, and considering last year’s efforts, she is puzzled: How do you re-energize yourself for a whole new (academically daunting) year? Dear Amaia, You don’t. Where did you get the idea from that re-energizing yourself is an actual thing for academics? You do realize that a couple ...[Read More]

Bring on 2021!

Bring on 2021!

Good news, everyone: 2020 is almost over! Your beloved EGU Geodynamics blog team is taking a 2-week break to recover from this extraordinary year. Or maybe ‘unprecedented’ is a better word? I am – of course – referring to the fact that 2020 has been the most successful blog year to date. Not at all the fact that there was a global pandemic this year. Nope. Absolutely not. T ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – All I Want For Christmas…

The Sassy Scientist – All I Want For Christmas…

The Sassy Scientist has been a very good boy, slaving away at his fume cupboard and diligently hammering his keyboard. He therefore feels justified pinning his letter to Santa on the department noticeboard, putting on his favourite Christmas jumper, and hoping for more than a piece of anthracite in his stocking. What would the Sassy Scientist like for Christmas? Dear Father Christmas, I, the Sassy ...[Read More]