`Segmentation fault’. One of the most annoying things ever to appear on our screens. Right up there with `fftw.h not found’. Compilation errors are the (rock-hard) bread and (rancid) butter of any of us that need to debug write codes. Tahina is deeply down the rabbit hole and asks: Why does my code not compile? Dear Tahina, I am assuming you already thoroughly searched Stack Exchange f ...[Read More]
Do lower mantle slabs contribute in generating the Indian Ocean geoid low?

The Indian Ocean Geoid Low is an enigmatic phenomenon in geodynamics. Many brain-storming hypotheses have been proposed in the last few decades to explain this geoid low. One popular idea argues that the high density lower mantle slabs contribute to this geoid low. Recent discoveries have shown that low-density anomalies from the African LLSVP region could have a more substantial influence on crea ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – The Nonsense Of Open Research
Enzo submitted his manuscript for review at one of those well-known, Earth science-niche journals. However, shortly thereafter he received an email by his editor that it was rejected. Reason being that not enough research was added in the manuscript. Furious, he bellows: When is my research open enough to be published? Dear Enzo, I know, right? It seems that over the past few years the need to giv ...[Read More]
GeoLchat: el experimento de divulgación científica bilingüe hecho por tres geocientíficas colombianas
GeoLchat: A Bilingual Science Communication Experiment of Three Colombian Geoscientists Una de las cosas más importantes que se les enseña en la academia a los estudiantes de ciencia alrededor del mundo es aprender a usar el lenguaje científico. Sin embargo, nunca se les enseña a hablar acerca de ciencia en un lenguaje sencillo, y tampoco a comunicar y divulgar sus investigaciones en lenguajes dif ...[Read More]